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1985年生,宜蘭人。紅樓詩社出身,臺灣大學新聞研究所碩士。現於資本市場討生活,頭不頂天,腳不著地,所以寫字。   曾獲文學獎若干。著有現代詩集《青春期》,《嬰兒宇宙》,《偽博物誌》,《我只能死一次而已,像那天》,《嬰兒涉過淺塘》;散文集《樂園輿圖》、《棄子圍城》、《天黑的日子你是爐火》、《阿姨們》。作品多次選入年度散文選、年度臺灣詩選,以及《七年級新詩金典》、《港澳台八十後詩人選集》等選本。   Contact email:

Jun 17, 2019


Hey Ms Carrie Lam, nice job!
You have managed to unite all walks of life in Hong Kong in a short span of time and given them a chance to show the world what this city is made of - deep respect for democracy and rule of law, resilience against oppression, and unstinting dignity in times of imminent crises.
You have managed to showcase the danger of unrestrained police brutality and reminded all of us the importance of accountability and integrity of civil servants to the people of Hong Kong.
You have managed to demonstrate to the world the flaws in "One Country Two Systems" and the possible havoc it could wreak to core values within democratic societies.
On that point, you have given Tsai Ing-wen a surprise poll boost in the Taiwan presidential primary as well so that's very nice of you!
I bet none of the above are written on your job description but you have achieved quite a few milestones within just a week. God knows what else you could do for Hong Kong shall you decide to stay in your post?
Or you can just resign :)

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