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1985年生,宜蘭人。紅樓詩社出身,臺灣大學新聞研究所碩士。現於資本市場討生活,頭不頂天,腳不著地,所以寫字。   曾獲文學獎若干。著有現代詩集《青春期》,《嬰兒宇宙》,《偽博物誌》,《我只能死一次而已,像那天》,《嬰兒涉過淺塘》;散文集《樂園輿圖》、《棄子圍城》、《天黑的日子你是爐火》、《阿姨們》。作品多次選入年度散文選、年度臺灣詩選,以及《七年級新詩金典》、《港澳台八十後詩人選集》等選本。   Contact email:

Dec 26, 2005




you are really beautiful ones as I knew

in clamoring silence you burned with youthfulness

you talk, you laugh, you conquer all the burdens in the way

the forest park in the nite isn't enough for you

and nor the piled mahjong on the tabble is.

SO here come the endless laughters shouting loud with damned-cold winds

facing the changes and differences in life you all know you'll win

white roses & lillies blooming when your fingers folding up

when the words come to life, your resolution are piled up.

our determination are gradully piled up

we're still young. nevertheless we're on the diversed way of life

never the same as who we were before on the campus

but we know, we know that the stories told makes us together

our stories will be told ever after

you are always beautiful people with your beautiful words

that always worthy of keeping as dreams we dreamed of

even if a helicopter crashed or a tower falling down

we'll never be segmented, separated. we're here

dear friends.

dear friends when you talk about future

the future will one day come true. nightly wind blows,

the colours of flowers bloomed and withered away

you youthfulness exists and never fade away

fingers folding up together and the hunger to the knowledge shines

our friendship with consensus never need to be mined

we're here together

dear friends will be anywhere together.


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