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1985年生,宜蘭人。紅樓詩社出身,臺灣大學新聞研究所碩士。現於資本市場討生活,頭不頂天,腳不著地,所以寫字。   曾獲文學獎若干。著有現代詩集《青春期》,《嬰兒宇宙》,《偽博物誌》,《我只能死一次而已,像那天》,《嬰兒涉過淺塘》;散文集《樂園輿圖》、《棄子圍城》、《天黑的日子你是爐火》、《阿姨們》。作品多次選入年度散文選、年度臺灣詩選,以及《七年級新詩金典》、《港澳台八十後詩人選集》等選本。   Contact email:

Oct 10, 2006



sometimes I found myself looking for something new

something I barely knew, that I stand outside

myself not knowing what to do when I was

in debt of love. I owed you something I couldn't give

it might be some respect that I don't understand

but you've got to learn it's coming to the turning point

going back, back into the days we're in love

don't neglect that the beauty would once become ugliness

once, i caught you naked on the cold floor

with someone I don't know

drinking cold water taking little pills, bewildered

like you'd not recognize me, my tears devoured everything

so why don't you just make it happen

it's a mysterious chain reaction which

my action is confined to part of your decision

I want to bury you in the sand while the

tide's turning onto the beach, the ocean, and

the wind's bringing some fraction and weathering


do you understand that I was dying

if you don't ever need me

suddenly I realized I didn't really enjoy it

actually I regret it. a part of broken man's

fallen with me

into the abysmal chasm which no one could reach its bottom

falling, falling deeply

so why don't you just make it happen?

you're getting common sense that you're my source of anguish

so why don't you make it happen

directly undraw my bulwark of dignity

destroy my bastion of love

a nuclear bomb bursts out in me

I owed you so many things I just couldn't give

why don't you make it happen

i am leaving


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