Mar 2, 2006



and I am a million different from the person you knew before.

in that mold what you used to call I am no longer the same

I've changed. into another term, don't say my name again

in the darkness we held each other so tight that

I could barely breathe deep. dear we loved being dazed rather than sober

you kissed, you touched, you ran your fingers gently through

shivering body. Oh I could realize how much I need your company

I would become someone I was not before for you

into the mold you adore, like you're right the one I adore

some crazy little people came to me holding guns within hands

they pointed me shouting out loudly yelling me and

taking me down on knees, crazily, oh one of them triggered the gun

shooting one another. he lay stright into soil got wet got dirty

leaving a dead corpse hands clean saying nothing in the textbooks

oh crazy little guys they walked through my brain singing

a song named "difference" coming with a familiar melody

word were obsene, women dying naked on the floor pissed off

like a frozen fish fished up yesterday. in the freezer they got mad

darkness, darkness. world was spinning around me. me this weak


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